4WD TRACKS in Howitt Plains, Victoria

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Currently all 4WD Tracks are shown in Victoria only. 4WD Tracks in other States will be available soon.

Butcher Country Track

Howitt Plains, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

Howitt Rd

Howitt Plains, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

King Billy Track

Howitt Plains, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

  • Rough in some spots a bit narrow in some sections couple of switch backs nice track coming from Mansfield over to Howitt plains

Wonnangatta Track

Howitt Plains, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

  • Drove thru the Wonnangatta back in 1970. Came up from the Buckland Valley side, & exited via Wombat Spur

Zeka Spur Track

Howitt Plains, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

  • Medium if dry , if wet will make it difficult . The last time I went , the grader had gone through it on Melb Cup weekend 2016