A relaxed High Country trip.

Forum > Your Trip Report & Experience
Allan (allanmac)
21 Nov 2016

9 vehicles took part in this trip arranged by Mark (Yarra Ranger) to spend the weekend at Talbotville. Nothing was 'set in concrete' with up to each person as decide if they wanted to do some 4wding or just relax at camp.

A number of us, Mark, Big Kev, Gazza, Neil, Debra and myself, arrived at the Dargo Pub around midday and we decided to make a beeline to Talbotville to set up camp.


It was a beautiful clear day and both Mark and myself tried to convince those who hadnt been to Blue Rag to head up that afternoon, but all decided to wait until the next day as a few more people, Alex, Steve and Tarnia, were arriving that night. As Neil had not been to the HC before, I took him for a short run that included a nice river crossing followed by the long climb up Collingwood Spur then back to camp.

Unfortunately Debra could not join us as she staked a tyre on the 1st river crossing and her spare was not in great shape. We plugged her tyre, but she decided not to take any chances, so she accompanied 'Big Kev' for all the drives over the weekend. Later that evening the rest of the group arrived and we all sat around the fire having a few drinks. Luckily, we only had a few drops of rain overnight.

Next day 2 groups headed off to Blue Rag. Group A led by Kevin took the easier option up Brewery Creek Tk and Group B with Alex leading went up Sth Basalt. Unfortunately for all concerned there were no views due to the heavy cloud cover at the trig point, but all enjoyed the drive. Mark decided to do some 'gold panning' just off the Crooked River Tk. Too much hard work for little reward I reckon....crying

After a few hours we heard over the radio the Blue Rag group approaching down Bulltown Spur, so we all made our way back to camp via the 22 odd river crossings on Crooked River Tk. Whilst most were happy to sit around camp, Alex, Neil and myself headed out for another drive up Cynthia Range/Spur Tk and down Station Tk that included a few nice river crossings and a nice climb.

Arrived back at camp and 'happy hour' was in full swing. Fire was started and talk of a 'night drive' began, but it was decided to give it a miss as the drinks were going down too well.




Allan (allanmac)
21 Nov 2016

Sunday morning we all woke up to rain. Nothing worse than packing up with everything wet....angry. We then made our way along Crooked River Tk to Kingswell Bridge where we had some nice river crossings again. Some pics of various vehicles going through a couple of the crossings.

Arrived at Kingswell Bridge where Mark, Kevin and Debra headed left along Wonnangatta Rd homeward bound and the rest of us turned right heading to Billy Goats.


Allan (allanmac)
21 Nov 2016

Started the climb up Billy Goats and the weather continued to close in. The higher we went the heavier the rain and it wasnt to long before we had a bit of a stream flowing down the track. Track was in very good condition after recently being graded and all vehicles had no issue with the climb.

We bypassed the Pinnacles as we wouldnt be able to see any of the views, so stopped at Horseyard Hut for lunch. Gazz, Tarnia and Steve then headed home via Marathon Rd whilst Alex, Neil and myself continued on towards Dingo Hill Tk as we had planned to stay an extra day. We decided to 'pull the pin' as the weather was going to get worse, so aired up in Licola and made our way home.


Thanks to Mark for a nice relaxed and enjoyable weekend with good company and was great to meet a few more Pajero drivers.


Dennis (bigden)
21 Nov 2016

Thanks for the report and pics. Sounds like it was a great trip

that view up Billy goats from the helipad is a classic hi country pic isn't it


Matthew (discomatt)
21 Nov 2016

Nice report mate, as always great photos, thanks for sharing!!

How did the Paj go after the recent niggles?


Rosco (Rosco)
21 Nov 2016

Thanks for sharing. Looked like a great trip! Rosco. 


Neil (love24wd)
22 Nov 2016

Awsome trip report Allan & great pics

Love the idea of an annual event up in the high country

Count me in

Hope the bugs are all sorted with the Pejero mate ?




Rick (Spooner)
22 Nov 2016

Looked like a great trip 


22 Nov 2016

Great report Allan, as you know, I wasn't going to do one myself, as the area has been reported on many many times.

Pity the weather didn't hold out for your follow on trip, I know you were looking forward to that for so long.

It was great to see newcomers to the HC enjoy their first trip up there.

The gold prospecting was a waste of time there I'm afraid, just to clarify it, I was in good luck creek digging which is allowed, 20m downstream where the crooked met, it would be a whopper fine!

So for anyone even using a pan check the exempted rivers list  http://tinyurl.com/j4m394u

BTW that list is of the rivers you are NOT allowed to do any digging or panning in whatsoever.

If you get caught even panning in the crooked river you can risk having your equipment and vehicle confiscated.


Great photos Alan, as usual you show how inportant it is to have an avid amatuer photographer along on a trip.  Thanks for taking the time to do that mate.

Thats gives me an Idea for trips..... Stay posted


Allan (allanmac)
23 Nov 2016

Great photos Alan, as usual you show how inportant it is to have an avid amatuer photographer along on a trip.  Thanks for taking the time to do that mate.

Thats gives me an Idea for trips..... Stay posted

Look forward to hearing what your idea is 'Big Kev'. Unfortunately photos werent great as I set the ISO a bit high, but all good.

Matt, didnt push the paj on the trip as parts didnt arrive in time but it is at mechanics now and hopefully get it tomorrow. Might need to take it for a run over the weekend...indecision
