Convoy Procedures

Forum > General Discussion
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Robert (Rigger64)
29 May 2014

Done removed the sign off part


Allan (allanmac)
24 Jun 2014

Suggestion: I think the rules for convoy are (only my opinion of course) a little too long and can perhaps be consolidated a bit. 95% of 4wd'rs know the ways of a convoy and a simple run through them by the trip leader at the start of the day for any newbies would be sufficient.


Can understand maybe condensing it down a little, but there are alot of 4wders who DO NOT know, or are unwilling to follow, some convoy procedures. Many fail to 'mark' a corner even though he or she have been told & at times when a person has marked a corner, the driver following fails to acknowledge that they have seen them, either by flash of headlights or preferably by UHF.....angry.

Many 4wders dont like being TEC, (especially on dry dusty days...wink), but IMO a good TEC is very important in that he/she are the ones who keep the trip leader, or the person who is leading the convoy at the time, informed of how spread out the convoy maybe. For example, when turning left or right onto another track, I believe it is imperative for the TEC to inform the leader that he/she is now entering/leaving a track.

Whilst this a '4wd forum' & not a club as such, I think it is a great idea to have certain procedures in place for all trips that take place hereso that everyone wishing to take part know exactly what is expected of them to help ensure the trip runs as smoothly as possible.


Just my 2c worth.


Kelvin (TREXGQ)
26 Jun 2014

Suggestion: I think the rules for convoy are (only my opinion of course) a little too long and can perhaps be consolidated a bit. 95% of 4wd'rs know the ways of a convoy and a simple run through them by the trip leader at the start of th......

Good point Allan. I think the convory procedures are guideline, which means "it's good to know and follow" but not a must. I will try to provide them to everyone who are going to a trip once I get some time to work on the functionality of the site. 

P.S. I hate to be the TEC during summer trip :) 




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