How we can support this site?

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14 Oct 2016

Hi everyone ,

I was wondering how we as members can better support  the site as I am sure there would be costs involved to ensure it provides the best possible experience for us and continued viability . I am sure there is no other site like this where I have met great people and made many new friendships. 

For some this will be a sensitive topic and one that we should discuss so everyone's opinion and suggestions are welcome . How can the members show support for this site to be better and allow us to continue our love for 4wdriving and meet wonderful people at the same time.

I will start the ball rolling with some suggestions and questions.

Should we have small fees / donations to help support the site?

If yes , what  would be fair  ?

Now let's all be nice and let's see some discussion please :)






Bill Moore
Bill Moore (WhiteRok)
15 Oct 2016

Never been adverse to paying my way. I haven't been a member for long but I do think that it is a great site for the same reason as you. Doing my first trip soon


Thurstain (Tcm9669)
15 Oct 2016

I wouldn't mind paying a buck or two for each trip I go on.. However that will turn off a lot of people.

Personally I would love to see merchandise! I want a T-shirt so I can wear it on trips! I'm sure other people would be keen to if sold at a decent price. We can do calendars with member submitted pictures of trips etc... And a lot more stuff. I'd also buy a travel mug to take on trips with me to keep the coffee warm! If it's good quality one not those cheap plastic ones that leak coffee all over the place.

I been on a few trips, I love this site and had some awesome adventures!


Alec (Lelantos)
15 Oct 2016

Hi ,I think either or is not to much to ask for a great service which this site offers , perhaps both may be appropriate, donations for those that would like to offer an amount which they feel is affordable or if It's a set fee. Perhaps both can be incentivized with a free sticker so they can put on their vehicle to make them identifiable to the group.


Alec (Lelantos)
15 Oct 2016

I wouldn't mind paying a buck or two for each trip I go on.. However that will turn off a lot of people.

Personally I would love to see merchandise! I want a T-shirt so I can wear it on trips! I'm sure other people would be keen to if s......

Great Idea !


Raymond (rayslux)
15 Oct 2016

I'd be happy to pay for trips let's say 5 bucks per car but so it doesn't turn some people off make it a nominal fee that way anyone that is willing to pay can any income is better than no income aslong as it goes towards site maintence and maybe merchandise I'd be willing no problem 


Tony (le Dakar)
15 Oct 2016

I think opening to voluntary donations would be great K. This allows those who want, the opertunity to contribute to the financial costs, while at the same time, it does not discourage potential new members from joining up and trying the site out (without the need to pay). I think you will get a pleasant surprise how many of us are willing to donate to this wonderful site you have created.


Kelvin (TREXGQ)
15 Oct 2016

Thanks Steven for posting this and also thank you for all the suggestions and input. 

I personally think it's important to keep it free. What we are looking is a way to not just support the site but also our trip leaders. Most of the trip leaders will spend a great deal of time planning and running the trip. It's not hard but it does take time to plan and organise. Furthermore, they often lead a trip to a place that they have been already. 

What I think is that if the small contribution will also go torwards to the trip leader to say, help them on the fuel cost when running a trip, it should encourage more trip leaders and they will run more trips hopefully. 

Again, we are not here to make a killing. My original intention and idea is not to "make a profit". I am passionate about 4wding and I think there are many 4wders who have the need for this site. 

Somehow, we need to keep the light out, and there are costs in insurance, hosting, site development, marketing etc. .... fixed cost overhead is close to $700/month, that doesn't include my time putting into development and many other associated cost. 

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks again! 


Rod (The tuff)
15 Oct 2016

Hi everyone, good day to all lovely members off this site.
it is a excellent idea which I back it up 100% myself. as a member of Club 4x4 that's a membership club I mean paid membership only which we have a meeting once a month and also trips, merchandise drinks and many other things.
so to improve this site we need funds, doesn't have to be big but we can have donations at least because if we make it as a annual fees maybe we will start seeing people leaving or the amount of members will start decreasing although it is fine by me and of course the fee will not be a big one I just wanted to share my opinion here I definitely agree with Steve and the rest of the members who agree with this idea I think it's a fantastic idea to keep this site going and improving day by day.


Winston (Winston_FJ)
15 Oct 2016

I think in line with some other clubs/sites a membership scheme would be good. Free members can still come and go, but basically for those of us who are regularly active have an annual subscription or lifetime member plan where we pay a fee and in return get maybe some site perks (haven't put much thought into this) or club merchandise - but the key to it is that we aren't buying merchandise, we are buying into the privilege of enjoying everything the site has to offer us. So it's just gotta be a sticker or stubby holder kinda thing. Increased merchandise range would be great to have eventually as well, it's early days but the commercial viability of 4wdtrip is on the up and up.

Also, ask yourself what can you personally do to assist the site? Do you have a particular skill you can offer the guys that could assist with marketability etc? Do you run a business and could offer a discount to site members?

Even just start running beginner/easy trips. It's not hard guys, I'd go as to say it's downright easy with good planning. I have mentioned before I would be happy to help anyone wanting to start leading trips, will help plan and implement the first with you and get you rolling. And hey, there's always a lot less dust running up front! More trip leaders = more trips = more members = greater possibility of revenue for the site and it's ensured long term success.

Also, try and recruit your mates who 4wd but aren't on the site. From an external image to investors always keep your public posts positive and stay away from trolling or negative remarks. Take up any issues you have privately with the admin team.

Just my 2c worth.


Rod (The tuff)
15 Oct 2016

Maybe we can start with stickers, this will create a bit of a financial support for the site. Obviously it would be part of the merchandise but it's a advertisement as well.


Scotty (Potty67)
15 Oct 2016


Happy to support a $ cost only fair I think

Scotty (Pottyy67)


Jesse (Stirlo)
15 Oct 2016

Love the feedback/replies we are getting on this post and cheers Steve for starting the topic.


Currently we are looking at expanding our merchandise range, and setting up a shop etc... 


Money is always a hard topic to talk about buy everyone here seems to be on the same page, i love this site but i know the costs of running this time of project a month.


Merchandise sales is a great start and it is something we are looking into doing, however its not a "stable income" for the cost of 4WDTRIP. (if that makes sense)


Hi guys. Firstly love this site and have had many great exhilarating trips from here and have made some great friends and have enjoyed what is offered. I have no objection to paying a an annual fee which would assist in supporting this site. We all love to get out there so let's get some merchandise and maybe some sponsors to kick start the process and let's get out there and advertise just what a great site this is and what we have to offer. Wiskey Girl


15 Oct 2016

Oh wow , the responses are all welcome , I know this topic was in the back of my mind and it had to come out . I had always wondered who was parting with the bill to run this place and I didn't know it was $700 a month . We should help out where we can and make sure we can enjoy the privilege . 

I think $5 a trip  donation after the first one or two trips would be fair ? Trip leaders for that trip exempt . Maybe even a yearly member fee $10? -  After the first year? 

$8400 is a lot for the owners of to absorb each year . I am starting to feel a guilty conscience. 




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