New - My Photos (Sharing Photos just got easier)

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Kelvin (TREXGQ)
25 May 2014

Sharing Photos just got easier!

You can now easily upload your photos to your profile and share them. You can upload unlimited files without any size limit. We use a super fast uploader so a 4MB file will only take 10 seconds. 

To upload your photos, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to "My Account"
  2. Click "My Photos" from the left options. 
  3. Click "Add more files" button and select your file(s)
  4. Click "Upload" button at the bottom. 
  5. Review your uploaded photos and once you are ready, click "Update Album" to activate your photos

Once your photos have been uploaded, they will be featured under your profile from a new tab called "My Photos

See sample below