We have to act now

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Matthew (discomatt)
03 Apr 2016

Yesturday I was talking to some local rangers, the topic of rubbish, track destruction caused by people going out to "play in the mud" and illegal use of closed tracks during winter, fires left going etc.

To my horror they said that all parks and local councils are sick of the problem and that with budgets the way they are, cut cut cut, money to fix clean and maintain is gone within 3-4 months of each financial year...

The solution, this is the scary part, ALL tracks and free camp spots will be gated and closed to all use within the next 3-4 years if something doesn't change dramatically and soon.

I urge ALL out there, if you are involved with any of these less than intellegent activities stop it immediatly, if you see anyone performining these acts of bush bastardry take photos and report them to the authorities and here is the big one, when you see rubbish dumped, whether its a can or drink bottle on the side of the track or pigs that have thrown there rubbish in a camp fire, please don't just drive past and grumble about it, be pro active and pick it up. Its not hard to make a difference and put some rubbish in a wheel bag or double bag it in the back of the car.

If we as 4wders don't get our act together we will no longer have the privilledge, not a right a privelledge, of getting out into the bush like we do today, I for one want to continue camping and 4wding as do my kids.


03 Apr 2016

I agree with you Matt, I was at the helipad at Billy's and was talking to the fella's saying It's amazing we're allowed here at all, because they really are fire fighting tracks. They weren't made for us at all, we are just allowed to use them. If they do close areas off it's only the fault of a few turds, but it will impact 100% of us.

I still reckon we should have a parks licence, fee's could go to maintaining tracks, at least if we fund them that would sway the councils decisions.

I don't go out all that often but I'd be happy to pay $100 a year, if you times that by all the 4wd's going into state forests/nat parks then it would add up to quite a bit of funding.


03 Apr 2016

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04 Apr 2016

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Martin (BT50driver)
04 Apr 2016

Yep some people are real bottom feeders who can only be called scum of the lowest kind.

Most of the times i have been out driving, i had plastic and other shit in the back picked up from the ground.

I just don't know what these scumbags are thinking (whoops with one brain cell there is not much thinking i guess).

Film/photo and report them.


Alex (AlexPatrol)
05 Apr 2016

Yep some people are real bottom feeders who can only be called scum of the lowest kind.

Most of the times i have been out driving, i had plastic and other shit in the back picked up from the ground.

I just don't know w......

Easter up in the High Country, came across a group of young blokes at a creek crossing near Caledonia, trying to nurse a Ranger with a broken idler arm along the tracks. One bloke had a mission to drink 100 cans for the weekend, he'd had 15 by the time we'd seen them at lunch on Friday. Couple of old couches strapped in the backs of there ute's. One said they were going to burn them later.  I'd hate to think how many cans might of gone out the window with this group, and I hope they didnt burn the couches and leave the rements behind. My son who is of similar age to them was digusted at there mentality.  It's the trash everything and dont give a shit attitude of today that is going to ruin it for all of us. In hindsight I wish I'd of grabbed a couple of rego numbers incase Id heard of something later. Will be from now on.


Agree with all the comments, I was with Gazza and Mark last week at Horseflat. l had the misfortune of being crook. I didn't quite make it to the toilet during the night but I made sure I picked up all the wipes I had left around, in the morning. Even the drive into horseflat had a large rut in the track with a bypass on the track. You are right Matt we must take photos and take numbers and report these idiots


Allan (allanmac)
05 Apr 2016

Matt, admire you passion on this subject as I have seen 1st hand you stopping collecting bottles/cans etc that 'meatheads' leave at campsites or on the tracks....yes. But whilst you and others do that, the increasing majority of 4wders wont care as they will have the likes of you do the 'dirty work' for them. Personally, I wont clean up after others because until people take responsibilty for their actions and suffer the consequences, re closed areas, nothing will change.


Alex (AlexPatrol)
06 Apr 2016

They may suffer the consequences for their actions but so will you. If everybody did a little bit each time they went out it would have a greater impact on a cleaner environment than that of the damage a minority are doing. 


06 Apr 2016

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Matthew (discomatt)
06 Apr 2016

Sorry Allan have to disagree on that one, I see your point and agree with the concept but unless all 4wders start to clean up after the dickheads we will all be shut out in the long run and as mentioned once locked up we will never regain entry other than a few dirt roads and maybe a few private properties around the country.

The way I see it is if everyone picks up crap there will be much less on the tracks and around camp sites so that will hopefully prolong the almost inevitable but more importantly the few people out there that think its ok to throw rubbish etc will notice what others are doing and hear the attitudes of the majority and then hopefully clean up their act. All we need to do is change one f#$@wit at a time and a difference will be made.

Hearing it first hand from a ranger saying that they all want the place locked up due to the idiot problem, and its only a matter of time , really bought it home to me and I want to make a difference as I am sure a lot of other passionate 4wders and campers do


Allan (Big Pig)
06 Apr 2016

Matt, admire you passion on this subject as I have seen 1st hand you stopping collecting bottles/cans etc that 'meatheads' leave at campsites or on the tracks....yes

Allan (Big Pig)
06 Apr 2016

I just typed a reply on Allan Macs post , hit post reply and it f#@ken dissappeared, I aint typing it again!!!!!


07 Apr 2016

I'd rather pay for a "Parks licence" than be locked out of areas.

Lets say it was implemented, if everyone got charged $100 or even $50 that would add up to a huge amount. Regular camp grounds could be patrolled more often, even CCTV could be put in place.

The only way to stop idiots is by catching them and giving them a nasty fine, that means boots on the ground and cameras in trees. All of that will cost big dollars and the councils/Parks staff aren't going to fund it, they'll just put in a gate and say piss off, it's a fire track, go build your own.

I think nothing of paying other licence fees, fishing one is $24 a year just to throw a line in a stream.

Would anyone else be prepared to pay for access to 4WD areas?


Matthew (discomatt)
07 Apr 2016

I would be more than happy to pay a extra licence fee for track and camp site access, have been saying its a good idea for a while now as long as $$ go toward rangers and policing the tracks and camp sites with massive fines for people found without licences or doing the wrong thing.

$100 / year is nothing, people spend more than that each month buying coffee...


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