First time trip leader training

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Jase (Grenade)
17 Jan 2016

Hey guys & girls. Brand new member here & if you did organise a learning day for helpful tips & tricks to make trips easier & smoother, I'd defiantly be interested in this. I'm happy to be a leader but it can be a little nervous. 

P.s. I've watched many videos on YouTube now & hope I can get on to one of the trips soon. 

Regards, Jason.


Winston (Winston_FJ)
05 May 2016

Anyone wanting to learn how to run a trip, I am happy to run it with you. I'll ride shotgun and help you plan everything, run through all the things I've done successfully on a few trips. On the day of the trip I'll do the navigation and coordination and show what's involved so you can start running your own.

It's not hard guys.


05 May 2016

Ha ha I still reckon this was a good idea... but it didn't catch onfrown

I often have good ideas that don't catch on, like Australia having it's own monarchy!!! Since it was my idea natuarally I would be the King devil

Sadly that one didn't catch on either frown



Allan (allanmac)
05 May 2016

() wrote:

Ha ha I still reckon this was a good idea... but it didn't catch onfrown

I often have good ideas......


Yes Mark, a good idea but I think there is another option that maybe of benefit to some who may consider running a trip Before I get to it, we must remember there are many 4wders who are just happy to attend a trip without what might be perceived as 'too much  planning/organising etc' to be a trip leader; nothing wrong with that by the way.


A Trip Leaders day/weekend can work but can be a bit of 'information overload' for some and for others somewhat boring. My suggestion for those who are interested in running trips to go on trips with different tripleaders prior to arranging their 1st trip. What you will find is that many who run trips have different approaches in how they run a trip. Some will be quite strict/padantic in that they have planned a route etc and not prepared to diviate from that and have guidelines that all attendees are expected to abide by. Understandable as some put alot of time and effort into trying to arrange a route that will be enjoyable to most and as the Trip Leader takes responsibility for the group, he/she can set the rules that suit them.. Then there are others who just 'go with the flow', nothing really organised but 'let's just drive and see where we end up', no convoy procedures etc etc. No doubt this suits a number of 4wders who arent all that interested in rules/guidelines/planned routes etc. Then 3rdly, there a those Trip Leaders in the middle; a planned route that can be altered without any issues, still keep it pretty casual in regards to rules/guidelines but ensure the basic rules are followed etc etc.

By going on a number of trips with various leaders who may use any of the 3 methods above, you can impliment what you find suitable to run your own trip.

Anyway, my 2c worth.


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