Double topic - radio etiquette on trips and track difficulty

Forum > General Discussion
Winston (Winston_FJ)
01 Aug 2015

Having not been on a trip here yet I'm wondering if there is any guidelines about correct uhf communication whilst en route? I have a trip I'm running and had a thought of one thing if it's not implemented yet that all drivers could identify themselves by number in order of procession to warn others of hazards or if they get stuck. Names can be hard to remember when you have 15 odd people on a trip whereas if you were to say "vehicle 4 bogged" it would make it a lot easier for leading and following vehicles to identify the problem and assist. Just a thought.

Also I'm still struggling to get my head around peoples ideas of track difficulties. I will link this youtube clip of the ladder at Mt disappointment. For me this is medium/hard. But for some it might be a piece of cake and others might never consider it.

How would you all rate this track in those conditions?

Tony (le Dakar)
01 Aug 2015

Take your time with it Winston.  Would recommend your you first few trips, keep the numbers down. Perhaps 5-6 poeple max.  You can always build it up from there. Also- Going on other peoples trips you can see what works and what does not. Regarding tracks- You have to allow the rating for the least experienced person, and the hardest track you will be doing.  A trip to Mt Dissapointment that includes doing the Ladder would be listed as Hard.  Regarding the radio use- it is your call. If you are running a small group, knowing who is who is easier.  I would recommend printing out the trip list before you go and having it on the front seat with you.   Hope this all helps. yes


Jim (JimMc)
01 Aug 2015


The way I have always run a trip is to put a 4x4 at the back of the line that know where you are going and has had 4x4 experience and is use to 4x4”ing set the CB channel, and tell every one that they must stop at any turn off and sit till the next 4x4 see the way they go. You can use numbers or names but the lead 4x4 should always be able to talk to the last 4x4 in the group then you can tell all in the group of hard part mud river crossing etc.

Make a note of the gear that each 4x4 has you never know when you need a chain saw, or a winch ECT; the most important thing is safety at all times, don’t drive to close to the 4x4 in front of you on hills, rocks rolling down the hill will make a mess of any 4x4, if some one get stuck then one and only one person should be in charge, use the hand held radio turn left right etc, always use a recovery damper and never let anyone get near the 4x4’s keep all people away from all recovery work. The Ladder - 4wdriving in Mt Disappointment State Forest, If it is wet it will be very hard even dry it will be medium grade and it will be easy to ding a panel. By you linking the trip to the youtube video is a very good thought they can have a look at the tracks before they go and work out for themselves if it is ok for them? The one thing I find hard to stand is leaving crap paper behind each tree so show them the right way from my video on youtube



Tony (le Dakar)
01 Aug 2015

That was a good laugh Jim.  I now know the pointy end of the shovel.   Take car.


Winston (Winston_FJ)
01 Aug 2015

Thanks Jim and Tony. Great to get your perspectives. And I also second the sentiments about bush turds especially about burning the paper if it is safe to do so.


Allan (Big Pig)
01 Aug 2015

Winston in regard to remembering names, when I lead a trip I just print out the members list and try and add all passengers on the list aswell ,then hand them out to everyone ,this will have all drivers names , a description of their 4wd and usually a photo of their 4wd


02 Aug 2015

This is a cut and paste from another website, not my words, but looks sensible.


1. Each Convoy will contain a “Trip Leader” who will lead the convoy and coordinate the trips activities for the group.
2. The Trip Leader is to brief the convoy members at the commencement of the trip on the days events and organise the convoys members to maximise control and communication.
3. The Trip Leader will advise the convoy whenever they are to enter a new track or road.
4. The Trip Leader is to decide when the convoy is to disperse.
5. Each convoy shall contain a nominated “Tail End Charlie (TEC)”.
6. TEC will advise the trip leader whenever they enter a new track or road.
7. If there is a breakdown, TEC will wait and organise assistance.
8. When travelling along busy thoroughfares, leave sufficient room for other vehicles to overtake safely.
9. When turning into a new track or road, each member is to ensure that the vehicle directly behind him or her has identified the correct route. They will acknowledge by flashing their lights.
10. Each member is to maintain their position in the convoy at all times, except in unavoidable circumstances and then after having advised the Trip Leader. (Convoy members should identify themselves to the drivers of the vehicles directly in front, and behind them when the convoy is established.)
11. At a river, creek or water crossing, each member is to wait until the vehicle preceding has negotiated the obstacle before proceeding.
12. Avoid travelling too close to the vehicle when ascending or descending steep hills. At the discretion of the Trip Leader, the individual convoy members may be required to wait until the preceding indicates that it is clear to proceed.
13. In the interest of conservation, convoy members are to remain on gazetted or marked tracks.
14. No vehicle shall leave the convoy unless the Trip Leader has been informed.
15. A safe distance should be maintained whilst recovery equipment is in use, this especially applies to winch cables and snatch straps.



After watching the video, I want to go there right now, but not without at least a 2nd vehicle, just in case. Maybe next weekend I might head there and do some tracks.



Winston (Winston_FJ)
10 Aug 2015

Thanks for the pieces of advice. I used quite a few of them yesterday and the trip was great fun for everyone.

As for the Ladder/Bump, we attempted it yesterday and the lower section was challenging in a stock vehicle with good tyres. The top climb was impossible for even those in our group with good setups. Was interesting getting 8 vehicles to do a u turn and come back down on a narrow path. But everyone was great on the radio and we managed.


Tony (le Dakar)
10 Aug 2015

Thanks for the pieces of advice. I used quite a few of them yesterday and the trip was great fun for everyone.

As for the Ladder/Bump, we attempted it yesterday and the lower section was challenging in a stock vehicle with good tyres. T......

Sounds great. I am glad it all went well.  Irrespective of the amount of people who tag along, we learn from every trip (big or small).

How many wnt up the top part of the ladder ?

Did you have any photos posted up ?



Winston (Winston_FJ)
10 Aug 2015

Hi Tony, no one in our group made it up the top section. We all turned around. None of us wanted to break anyrhjng. Mick - who has done it before - had a brief attempt but declared it virtually impossible.

For a couple of us clearance was the biggest issue. We got stuck on some steep crests with deep muddy ruts a couple of times. In fact the first track of the day saw myself and another vehicle unable to make it through.

I've put a few photos up but it's just what my wife took. Have asked all of the trip members to contribute their photos when they can. And I will write up the trip report today.


Tony (le Dakar)
10 Aug 2015

Sound like all was good with no dramas.  Photos look good.   If you can,  would be good to post a trip report and include the tracks you did and the degree of difficulty.  This helps with anoyone in the future that plans out a trip in the same area.   Cheers.


Winston (Winston_FJ)
10 Aug 2015

In the process. Just plotting the gps tracking vs correct track names. Will have something up later today.
