Your 'pet hates' of 4wders.

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Allan (allanmac)
16 Jul 2015

Great topic Allan.


1.  Drive it like you stole it attitude.

2. 1/2 dozen people screaming advice to the driver on recovery procedure when stuck, should only be 1 max 2 (front and rear......

Some good points there Luca....yes.

No.2, think we have all been on a trip or two when this has happened; I have probably been guilty of doing it..blush, & the poor driver gets so confused with so many differing suggestions.

No.3. Guess this has happened to most of us on the odd occasion. Sometimes shit can happen to a vehicle that is always well maintained, such as breaking a cv etc, (happened to me a couple of times), but it can get a little frustrating when a person does participate in a trip when they know they have some reliability issues with their vehicle that potentially can cause issues on the trip.


Again agree with all you have said, except No.6 as we have 2 computers.....wink


Winston (Winston_FJ)
22 Jul 2015

I'd have to say experienced drivers with extreme rigs that won't share advice or tips to us lowly newbies with basic set ups. The drivers who think they are above everyone else because they can drive 5 foot underwater or climb over rocks the size of a VW.

We all have to start somewhere. Remember your roots and just take a bit of time to assist with advice to someone just starting out.

My firm view is that if I have the knowledge, I will share it. If I have a tool, I will use it to help someone who doesn't have it.


Tony (le Dakar)
22 Jul 2015

Hi Winston.  I am surprised at your post being that has posted a beginners trip and you have joined that trip. 

I am assuming I am not one of those 4WDers you speak of.  Being a qualified driving instructor, I have 15 years of getting paid to training people. Being passionate about my hobby,  I have recently suggested and volunteered to take 10 new Drivers out for the day and demonstrate safety for this group and impart some of my experience. Kelvin has volunteered his time to this as well.  Assuming it all goes well, I have been asked if I could volunteer more time to run similar days, which I am hoping to do.  In addition to this, I have recently spent several nights writing a trip leaders guide to help (and encourage) other members run trips. I have also written several 1-page guides that will be published on this site soon (Kelvin is putting together a new section on the site).  I feel is doing everything possible to help new members and others drive safely, run more trips and impart knowledge and experience.

I have been a participant in quite a few trips run by seasoned drivers and have experienced top blokes willing to put 100% into helping others on the day including them passing on knowledge gained over previous years. I have learnt something new on every trip and believe we never stop learning.

I see you profile shows 3+ years 4WDing and with a well set up vehicle that suggests you are experienced enough to easily run a trip. I would say you would likely have much experience yourself to pass onto brand new 4WDers by running a day tip or two.  Why don't you pick a weekend and post a trip to see how it goes. The more we all share the load, the more we all gain.

Kind Regards- Tony.



Winston (Winston_FJ)
22 Jul 2015

Hey Tony no this was not at all directed at you. I'm one of the drivers coming on your beginner trip. I first started out in 4wding probably in about '08 to be honest but I have always been one of the bad ones. No idea of recovery techniques, see a bog hole and floor it hoping to make it through etc. I've switched between stock 4wds and road cars over the years. I am now in a position where I want to expand my knowledge of correct techniques, though will realistically not be able to afford to kit my rig out to attempt the medium/hard trips and I'm not even sure I want to.

I'm in on the beginners trip to unlearn bad habits and pick up good ones. And I'm spending the money between now and then for some basic and even not-so-basic recovery gear so that once I've had the learning experience I can consider passing it on to other drivers who don't have that knowledge.

I'm really keen to actually continue where you are leaving off for the trip on the Sunday by doing a route through mt diss. But I need to get some maps going and also get some advice about a good loop that will cater for an advanced beginner - which is where I consider myself to be


Tony (le Dakar)
22 Jul 2015

All sounds good Winston. I am currently trying to make other arrangments for the Sunday.  If sucessful, I still may camp out and lead a trip up to Mt Dissapointment (will know within a week).  See you on the 29th.  Cheers.


Winston (Winston_FJ)
22 Jul 2015

Great Tony. Will wait to hear your actions and if you can't I will post a new trip for the Sunday for others to join.

Looking forward to meeting you and everyone else.


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