Overnighter in Pyrenees ranges.

Forum > Trip Ideas (Expression of Interest)
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Allan (Big Pig)
29 Jan 2015

Matt the Big Pig has done very well without lockers,I reckon they are over rated ,also don't encourage Pathfinder owners to push their 4wds to hard because it will end in tears.


Kelvin (TREXGQ)
29 Jan 2015

Matt the Big Pig has done very well without lockers,I reckon they are over rated ,also don't encourage Pathfinder owners to push their 4wds to hard because it will end in tears.

I think it's not just Pathfinder. If we push any 4by to its limit, something gonna give sooner or later...... 


Matthew (discomatt)
29 Jan 2015

YeahI don't have lockers either BUT we have exellent articulation so keep the wheels firmly planted, the idea of lockers is so they wouldn't have to push so hard, no need for momentum just crawl over stuff, I witnessed how hard they had to hit some of the tricky bits on the Little and Big Desert trip, it wasn't pretty and sure to break stuff eventually


Matt, that was also being  the newbie bit ( and Jack not happy with me leaving the car to film as I am the one coaching ) he is a cautious driver.... but sometimes you got to use some right foot! Remember we're still learning!




Robert (Rigger64)
31 Jan 2015

Im intrested depending on dates.

As for the lokka debate well i do have a lokka in the front only because mine won't stop lifttig a wheel & yeah i don't need as much momentom to get me over things.



Luke (bushstig)
06 Feb 2015

Hi guys , finally got the maps I ordered & will be post the trip tomorrow the dates will be 28th- 29th march


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