Club4x4 Insurance

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Maarten (DUTCHD)
05 Sep 2018

So you called to increase you value in january and it decreased at renewal?


If thats the case that's normal. You know you can call and get that increased right?


Premium increases - w......

I asked about an increase and it wasn't offered. A decrease is one thing, an increase of the premium on top of it is another. Nope, once I move I'll change to Shannon's. 10% of clients leaving in one year isn't something to be proud of. And I can't see that changing with all the feedback you're getting....


Club 4x4 (Club 4X4)
05 Sep 2018

I asked about an increase and it wasn't offered. A decrease is one thing, an increase of the premium on top of it is another. Nope, once I move I'll change to Shannon's. 10% of clients leaving in one year isn't something to be proud of. And I can't s......

No problem Maarten... i'd love to take a look at your policy to try and improve things for you, but if you're not keen then i wish you the very best. 

It's hard to say this without sounding like i'm blowing our own trumpet and it would be damned near impossible for anyone on this entire site to find out how a portfolio performs from a retention perspective at any of the insurers noted in this thread (let along talking to anyone at a General Manager level)

But i will say that retaining at the rate we are at the moment would put a general insurance protfolio to shame by abut 30%. You don't have to belive that, nor do you have to believe anything i say here. 

But as the General Manager of this business i take pride in being open and honest and trying to help. 

I can only do that if im allowed to do so though.

All the best




Club 4x4 (Club 4X4)
05 Sep 2018

 hi all  i was with culb 4x4 insurance but after i put in a claim,  i was treated as a liar and they did everything in their power not to pay the claim.

from saying i had previous claims and making me get a driving his......

Hi Trevor,

Appreciate the feedback. As ive done with other here - id love the chance to look into yourr claim and if there is any cousnelling i can do of staff or improvements i can make i'd love to do that. It is interesting to hear the original poster here talk about the same thing but without the anger/dissapointment - i wonder if it was an operator issue. 

Just provide me with a policy/claim/rego number.




Nick (Bagoo76)
05 Sep 2018

Hi Trevor,

Appreciate the feedback. As ive done with other here - id love the chance to look into yourr claim and if there is any cousnelling i can do of staff or improvements i can make i'd love to do that. It is interesting to ......

I’m not defending club4 with regard to driving history however this is pretty standard with motorcycle claims I did not appreciate the fact that I had to supply one but I’ve done it before and have nothing to hide so it’s a hassle but I understand 100% why an insurer would request it. Just wish they could do it themselves as part of the service 


Mark (Spot62)
05 Sep 2018



We dont even have an error message like that - why would we ever send you to a broker??!! At time we wont be able to complete the policy online and will note thatw e will contact you to finissh the quote off......

Thank you for considering club 4X4

Based on the information provided, we are unable to quote this risk as it falls outside of our underwriting guidelines. To find an alternative insurer visit insurance council. 


05 Sep 2018

Hi 4wdtrippers,

I would like to ask everyone to please be honest without being disrespectful.  I can see some of your responses are with a fair bit of emotion and we  are  privileged that Kal from Club4x4 is responding and hearing our concerns.  If Kal can see any problems and issues which can then be addressed in a positive manner then positive change can happen. 

No business is not without issues and Even if your experience/opinion was not a good one - it would be unfair to stereotype an entire company.  This follows through in all aspects of our society.

I can say from my experience - it was a good one. I have always followed the duty of disclosure and for my needs - Club4x4 had all the right options and features.  

One of the reasons I ended up at 4wdtrip is that other insurers if you disclose the true extent of your accessories and modifications - will run far and wide. With Club4x4, we can list everything and be truthful. 

If you disclose to a mainstream insurer that you intend to do river crossings and drive on snow and mud tracks and plan to drive through a desert -  watch their response . Then ask the question who is going to pay for the eventual recovery costs out of the desert  or remote location? Most mainstream insurers will not recover/pay for your vehicle recovery in a remote location deep within a forest , track or desert.  That’s why - quite often cars are left where they broke down or sustained damage. 

Club4x4 has features that many do not and also has features that may need tweaking to make it more attractive to a broader market.

Everyone should also realize that when you “leave one insurer to the next” , the new insurer will very often heavily discount on the policy to attain the new customers.  However , Only time will tell if people are happy at their new insurer at claim time. 

Lets be constructive by providing respectable and valuable feedback that Kal can use to improve Club4x4.





05 Sep 2018

Have a look at the link below and it’s reviews of Shannon’s .

we don’t live in a perfect world


() wrote:

Hi 4wdtrippers,

I would like to ask everyone to please be honest without being disrespectful.  I can see some of your responses are with a fair bit of emotion and we  are  privileged that Kal from Club4x4 is responding......

Hi Reef master. I agree! They have features others don’t. But that doesn’t mean he can treat people like the way he has or is still doing. Trying to get out of a claim by using someone else’s driving history is simply wrong. And no doubt he has found this out the hard way. I’ve spoken to many other people including someone who contacted me asking for my help in a almost similar situation. 

I agree none of us are perfect and we are just human. However I’m still yet to get an apology for my wife going into premature labor (4 weeks early). Because of the stress that Kal put us under! (He tried to use her driving history in my accident). 

Kal I’m open to talk with you if you want. 


() wrote:

Have a look at the link below and it’s reviews of Shannon’s .

we don’t live in a perfect world

Agreed we don’t live in a perfect world. What I find fascinating is that Kal turned off his reviews on Facebook. And there is next to no reviews online about Club4x4. It’s all reviews by Pat and other 4x4 businesses saying how good Club 4x4 are. There is no bad reviews unless it’s a forum or similar. Which made me wonder. Why is his company basically the only company on the planet to have no reviews online?? Even Shannon’s is on but not Club4x4. Interesting to be honest. 


05 Sep 2018

Hi Peter ,

is it possible that your experience is due to the claims officer that was assigned to your case.  Sometimes our experiences with an insurer is dependent on who is actually handling the case. If that is the case then that can be highlighted  as an issue . Within any organization or company - we all know there are passionate understanding people and sometimes the not so customer focused.

I have experienced that with most mainstream insurers in the past and had to escalate the matter until I got a satisfactory resolution by finding someone who could adjudicate fairly and objectively. This can happen in most organizations in general. It’s an area where improvement via better staff training etc . 


() wrote:

Hi Peter ,

is it possible that your experience is due to the claims officer that was assigned to your case.  Sometimes our experiences with an insurer is dependent on who is actually handling the case. If that is the case then t......

Unfortunately that’s not the case here. Kal ended up being involved. He was the person that eventually agreed to repair my car. Then was told we werent welcome at club 4x4 again. 


Trevor (ranger1)
06 Sep 2018

Thats because club 4x4 won't let you.


Club 4x4 (Club 4X4)
06 Sep 2018

() wrote:

Hi 4wdtrippers,

I would like to ask everyone to please be honest without being disrespectful.  I can see some of your responses are with a fair bit of emotion and we  are  privileged that Kal from Club4x4 is responding......

Thank you Steven,


More than happy to take feedback and make improvements - weve done that numerous times. 


I have also always been happy to take a look at a claim on its own merits and have been known to pay claims that should not have been paid based on descretion. In every one of these cases it's at our own cost - the insurer will not pay for claims that sit outside their guidelines.






Club 4x4 (Club 4X4)
06 Sep 2018

Thank you Steven,


More than happy to take feedback and make improvements - weve done that numerous times. 


I have also always been happy to take a look at a claim on its own merits ......

Here's an example of consutructive market feedback that turned into a response.




Club 4x4 (Club 4X4)
06 Sep 2018

Thank you for considering club 4X4

Based on the information provided, we are unable to quote this risk as it falls outside of our underwriting guidelines. To find an alternative insurer visit insurance council. 

Hi Mark,

Do you have a quote number? That's the message that is usually posted where you have too many previous claims - too many previous license cancellation or suspensions, defaults or bankruptcy.

Where we cannot offer you a policy based on what you've disclosed about your history this is the error presented.

Happy to take a look in more detail and give you a solid answer if you wnt tyo message me a quote number, rego number or email address.





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