4WD TRACKS in Tallarook, Victoria

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Currently all 4WD Tracks are shown in Victoria only. 4WD Tracks in other States will be available soon.

Phone Track

Tallarook, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

  • Did it in the dry, needs a well kitted vehicle with good tyres and a lift to pull it off. Lockers will help as well.

Red Hill Track

Tallarook, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

Reservoir Track

Tallarook, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

Seed Track

Tallarook, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

Steep Track

Tallarook, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

  • Drove it from bottom to top yesterday (19.11.16). Very rutted, several lines to pick from, some being pretty much impassable to others being just downright hard work. Be prepared for deep ruts, very steep sections, off camber, rock and tree roots ledges and pucker moments. Was in a twin locked FJ cruiser with nearly 4" of lift and 33" aggressive tyres. Great for wheel lifts.

  • Nice gentle climb. Would be Medium if raining. Good warm up track before exploring the rest of Tallarook.

  • Nice gentle climb. Would be Medium if raining. Good warm up track before exploring the rest of Tallarook.

  • Nice gentle climb. Would be Medium if raining. Good warm up track before exploring the rest of Tallarook.

  • Nice gentle climb. Would be Medium if raining. Good warm up track before exploring the rest of Tallarook.

West Falls Rd

Tallarook, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track

Wheelers Track

Tallarook, VIC

* This is a seasonal closed track